Course Outline


  • What is ChatGPT and how does it work?
  • Overview of ChatGPT for Education and Training

ChatGPT for Teaching and Instructional Design

  • Enhancing teaching practices with ChatGPT
  • Designing interactive and engaging lessons with ChatGPT
  • Creating ChatGPT-powered learning materials

ChatGPT for Personalized Learning

  • Customizing learning experiences with ChatGPT
  • Providing adaptive feedback and support through ChatGPT
  • Personalized content recommendation using ChatGPT

ChatGPT for Administrative Tasks

  • Automating administrative tasks in education and training
  • Handling routine inquiries and administrative processes with ChatGPT
  • Improving operational efficiency with ChatGPT

ChatGPT for Training and Professional Development

  • Support training initiatives with ChatGPT
  • Interactive simulations and virtual trainers with ChatGPT
  • Designing ChatGPT-based training programs

Ethical Considerations and Best Practices

  • Ensuring ethical use of ChatGPT in education and training
  • Addressing privacy and data protection in ChatGPT applications
  • Promoting fairness and inclusivity in educational AI

Future Developments and Trends

  • Exploring emerging trends in AI and NLP for education and training
  • Innovations and advancements in ChatGPT for educational applications

Summary and Next Steps


  • Basic computer experience
  • Familiarity with education and training concepts


  • Educators
  • Trainers
  • Instructional designers
  • EdTech professionals
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (1)

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