Course Outline


  • What is ChatGPT and how does it work?
  • Overview of ChatGPT for business operations

Use Cases for ChatGPT in Business

  • Customer service and support
  • Marketing and sales
  • Internal communication and collaboration
  • Data analysis and reporting

Benefits and Risks of Using ChatGPT

  • Benefits of using ChatGPT for business operations
  • Risks and potential drawbacks of using ChatGPT in business

Developing a ChatGPT Strategy

  • Identifying business objectives for using ChatGPT
  • Developing a roadmap for ChatGPT implementation
  • Building a team to manage ChatGPT implementation
  • Evaluating ChatGPT performance and ROI

Best Practices and Ethical Considerations

  • Tips for using ChatGPT effectively in business operations
  • Avoiding bias and ensuring ethical use of ChatGPT

Summary and Next Steps

  • Key takeaways and action items for implementing ChatGPT in business
  • Resources and support for implementing ChatGPT in business operations


  • No specific prerequisites


  • Executives
  • Managers
  • Business owners
  • Entrepreneurs
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (2)