Course Outline


  • What is ChatGPT and how does it work?
  • Overview of ChatGPT for SEO

Keyword Research with ChatGPT

  • Using ChatGPT to find high-volume and low-competition keywords
  • Analyzing keyword trends and identifying opportunities with ChatGPT
  • Building a keyword strategy with ChatGPT

Content Optimization with ChatGPT

  • Using ChatGPT to optimize content for search engines
  • Generating meta titles and descriptions with ChatGPT
  • Developing optimized content with ChatGPT

Website Optimization with ChatGPT

  • Optimizing website structure and navigation with ChatGPT
  • Improving website speed and performance with ChatGPT-powered tools
  • Using ChatGPT to optimize images and videos on your website

Implementing ChatGPT in Your SEO Strategy

  • Analyzing your SEO workflow to identify opportunities for ChatGPT integration
  • Automating repetitive SEO tasks with ChatGPT
  • Implementing ChatGPT-powered tools into your SEO strategy

Best Practices and Ethical Considerations

  • Tips for using ChatGPT effectively in SEO
  • Avoiding bias and ensuring ethical use of ChatGPT
  • Future developments and trends in ChatGPT and SEO

Summary and Next Steps


  • Basic computer experience
  • Understanding of SEO principles


  • SEO professionals
  • Content creators
  • Digital marketers
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (2)

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