Course Outline


  • What is ChatGPT and how does it work?
  • Overview of ChatGPT for finance

ChatGPT for Automation

  • Automating data entry with ChatGPT
  • Generating financial reports with ChatGPT
  • Creating custom ChatGPT models for automation

ChatGPT for Data Analysis

  • Analyzing financial data with ChatGPT
  • Extracting insights and making informed decisions with ChatGPT
  • Creating custom ChatGPT models for data analysis

ChatGPT for Forecasting and Risk Management

  • Using ChatGPT for forecasting and predicting financial outcomes
  • Mitigating financial risk with ChatGPT
  • Creating custom ChatGPT models for forecasting and risk management

ChatGPT for Natural Language Processing

  • Understanding natural language processing (NLP) with ChatGPT
  • Leveraging NLP for financial text analysis and sentiment analysis
  • Creating custom ChatGPT models for NLP

Best Practices and Ethical Considerations

  • Tips for using ChatGPT effectively in finance
  • Ensuring ethical use of ChatGPT in finance
  • Future developments and trends in ChatGPT and finance

Summary and Next Steps


  • Basic computer experience
  • Familiarity with finance terminology and concepts


  • Finance professionals
  • Data analysts
  • Financial advisors
  • Accountants
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (2)