Course Outline


Laravel Overview

  • ORM
  • Template engine
  • Artisan
  • Automatic package delivery
  • Database migration

Vue JS at a Glance

  • Virtual DOM
  • Data binding
  • Components
  • Animation/transition
  • Templates

Preparing the Development Environment

  • Installing and configuring Laravel
  • Installing and configuring Vue.js

Laravel Quick Start

  • Creating a project
  • Working with form and event handling
  • Refactoring models and views

Vue JS Integration

  • Creating VueJS components
  • Implementing custom events

RESTful API Development

  • Creating API endpoints
  • Transforming data with APIs

Web Application Development

  • Configuring Vue route
  • Building a UI
  • Consuming API endpoints
  • Adding Ajax


  • Deploying with Heroku


  • Handling errors

Summary and Conclusion


  • Experience with PHP
  • JavaScript experience


  • Web Developers
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (4)

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