Course Outline

1. AUTOSAR fundamentals

  • Motivation and structure
  • AUTOSAR Modules
  • Documentation

2. Introduction

  • AUTOSAR layers
  • Workflow (Steps to build application in AUTOSAR way)

3. Operation System

  • Tasks idea
  • Schedule Tables

4. Software Components

  • Kinds of Software Components
  • Port Interfaces (S/R, C/S)
  • Service SWC / Interfaces

5. I/O

  • MCAL
  • DIO / PWM configuration

6. Communication

  • Role of modules in communication stack

  • Data flow through communication stack based on CAN example

7. Mode Management

8. Busses

9. Memory

  • NVM configuration

10. Smart tool guide (below you will find an examplary list of tools, it can be changed due to your work specifics)

DaVinci Developer

  • 10.4. Introduction to tool
  • 10.5. Example of application design
  • 10.6. Data element to signal mapping

DaVinci Configurator

  • 10.7. What is SIP?
  • 10.8. Introduction to tool
  • 10.9. Example configuration of AUTOSAR module



  • Engineers
  • Technical Managers
  • Automotive professionals

This course can only be delivered using customer software licenses.

 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant