Course Outline

Day 1

  1. Intoruduction
  2. Overview
  3. Adding Data Table (Flat-file, database) - different options
  4. Working with Information Links (optional, needed access to Spotfire Server and some test database)
  5. Data Wrangling
  6. Filtering, Marking, Table Relationship
  7. Visualization types (Table, Cross Table, Pie Chart, Bar Chart, Line Chart, Combination Chart, Waterflow Chart...)

Day 2

  1. Geo Visualizations - optional, if requested
  2. Calculated Columns
  3. Property Controls, Text Area
  4. Report Custom Styling (Corporate design)
  5. Spotfire Library Concepts, Report sharing and access concepts
  6. Web Player, Scheduled Updates
  7. Wrap up


  • Experience with business intelligence and data visualization.


  • Business analysts
  • Data analysts
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (4)

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